DEFINITION chi-na-free adj. A term proposed for use on food labels to show that products are not made in China.

CONTEXT In light of recent health and safety scares regarding Chinese-made food and products, a U.S.-based company called Food for Health International has announced plans to put "China-free" stickers on its goods. The subtext: These products won't make you sick or have harmful contaminants like melamine.

USAGE Given recent recalls of items from toys to toothpaste, China-free labeling could catch on, though consumers would do well to remember that not all products from China are tainted and not all tainted products are from China.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Investigation finds cartoon glassware could poison kids
Nashua Telegraph
The decorative enamel on the superhero and Oz sets - made in China and ... if US Consumer Product Safety Commission staffers conclude the glasses to fall ...

Zimbabwean farmers unite amid fears of tobacco ban
Daily Nation
Tobacco contributes 26 per cent of the Zimbabwe's gross domestic product. ... discovered the pure form of nicotine in 1826 and soon declared it a poison. ...

Bayer AG and the death of the birds
Voltaire Network
In China reportedly the lack of bees has become so serious that farmers in some ... If so that would take the heat off of Bayer AG whose product Poncho, ...

State Sen. Karen Gillmor: Herb mixture dangerous when used in ...
Bucyrus Telegraph Forum
... dozens of other product names, is usually manufactured in China or Korea ... In fact, the American Association of Poison Control Centers reported 567 ...

SagaciousHillbilly: More defective and poison Chinese products ...
By SagaciousHillbilly
More defective and poison Chinese products reflect America's failure. You'd think there would be a public outcry over all the lead tainted and otherwise defective products we keep getting from China. but no, people just keep buying tons ...
SagaciousHillbilly -

Cadmium, Lead Found In Drinking Glasses
By The Huffington Post News Editors
Following a cascade of problems with products manufactured in China, Congress in 2008 passed strict new limits that effectively ban lead in any children's product. The underlying materials in these products – including the baked-in enamel – cannot be more 0.03 percent lead. ..... We all need to start buying American products. Chinese products suck. Poisonous, poor craftsmanship. sachazg : We all need to start buying American products. Chinese products ...
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